Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keeping it all together on the road

My work as a celebrity makeup artist requires me to travel all over the world. I love what I do so all the stress from dashing to the airport, being away from family, living out of a suitcase, and being fondled by airport security, I somehow endure. However, there are those days when I just want to blast anyone within earshot, and I just need a minute to myself. Trust me... rolling 20 deep with a crew for more than two weeks can shatter anyone's nerves! So here's what I do to recharge while on the road. I take long walks alone to just take in and appreciate all the new and interesting sites. I may even sit quietly daydreaming at a quaint little side walk cafe while sipping on a chai tea (my fav). Another way that I find balance is by doing a quick 30 minute workout...I'm always too tired to do more than that! So getting in some me time is always necessary to keep me sane! I also love skyping my family before my head hits the pillow....that's always a perfect ending to any day!

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