Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keeping it all together on the road

My work as a celebrity makeup artist requires me to travel all over the world. I love what I do so all the stress from dashing to the airport, being away from family, living out of a suitcase, and being fondled by airport security, I somehow endure. However, there are those days when I just want to blast anyone within earshot, and I just need a minute to myself. Trust me... rolling 20 deep with a crew for more than two weeks can shatter anyone's nerves! So here's what I do to recharge while on the road. I take long walks alone to just take in and appreciate all the new and interesting sites. I may even sit quietly daydreaming at a quaint little side walk cafe while sipping on a chai tea (my fav). Another way that I find balance is by doing a quick 30 minute workout...I'm always too tired to do more than that! So getting in some me time is always necessary to keep me sane! I also love skyping my family before my head hits the pillow....that's always a perfect ending to any day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to Look Beautiful When You've Had No Sleep!

We all know in this business that there are many 18 hour days followed by a 5 am call time the next morning. I don't know about you but I am NOT a morning person! For those early morning call times when you haven't gotten ANY sleep, the first thing you should do is cleanse your face with your favorite cleanser. Mine is iS Clinical Cleansing Complex! Be sure to use cold water because it closes your pores giving you a fresher appearance. Then follow up with a nice moisturizer and eye cream like Is Clinical Moisture Complex and Eye Complex. It is also crucial to start your day off with a balanced breakfast and drink lots of water throughout the day. Remember not to OD on the caffeine. It's only an illusion of energy because later you crash HARD!