Monday, January 11, 2010

Bringing In the New Year with a BANG!

Hey Everybody! I just wanted to check in to say that I had an amazing end to 2009 and 2010 is going to be even greater! Yey! Some of my year end projects included a shoot with renowned photographer Annie Lebowitz for Vanity Fair doing Gabourey Sidibe's makeup! I also had an amazing trip to Nigeria booked to to a series of Delta Peace shows with the one and only Ciara! Brought the new year end doing Ciara for a Red Carpet event in Vegas! Now that was a blast. And to start the New Year off, I reconnected with THE Jennifer Hudson for an alter ego shoot with celeb photographer Derek Blanks. I'm looking forward to amazing things this year in 2010! I will keep you all posted...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beauty tips for the holidays!

Yolonda Frederick Check out Yolonda's beauty tip for the season!
Go to page #6 on the following link:
Are you ready for the holiday party circuit? It's the perfect excuse to glam up and have fun with your makeup! Read on as the experts share how to steal the spotlight with the newest beauty products by modernizing your festive look.